Microsoft probably the worst operating system for mobile devices environment as when you thimk about the Android devices.In the month of November 2010 released of windows mobile which is powered by windows 7 and competes with the other mobile devices in terms of better computing(operating system) and microsoft always lag behind from the the other operating systems such as ios and android.Microsoft trying to figure out over seven years by upgrading the windows and make it more functionalities but it seems as obsessed when we look with android and ios.Over 5 years continously microsoft pushed updates for every month and trying to fix it up but it doesnt seems like well.Finally microsoft looks for the single platform for any devices znd it exactly looks like this
At the early of 2018 microsoft may launched the ANDROMEDA DEVICES which is interest for the WIN 32 applications executions on the mobile devices and Powered by C-SHELL and WINDOWS CORE.Andromeda devices probably comes with two flip of split screen with 360 degree rotation.
Andromeda is not about for challenging with ANDROID Or IOS its all about more computng and single platform.Think about it how can you even imagine for challenging with WIN 32 emulator platform os with the ios or android.Take a look at this
This mobile devices are rumored and leak from the microsoft which may launched at the early of 2018.C-shell is responsible for folding device and emulates the win 32 apllicatiosns which is .exe files can run in the mobile devices.Perhaps it with will comes out in the market with the latest qualcomm snapdragon processor as because in the last month latest qualqomm snapdragon processor can run efficiently with CORE WINDOWS OS.This squared phones can used phone calls and text message and all other telephony systems.
This project are just expectaculations from the microsoft leaks and we hope it shows up in the early of 2018 Ofcourse microsoft are are working on it to this project from the middle of 2017 and we can assure any guarantee about the cancel of these microsoft projects.Assuming if microsoft didn't kill this project then future of mobile computing will at ease more and more regardless with any other operating systems and i hope it will be the gaint and unbeatable operating system.
I Hope you guys get some hints and tip of about project andromeda.Let's keep hope for the early of 2018 or even upto the middle.If you had any questions drop down in the comment below.
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